Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Health Cycle 2

This week in health we will review the Decision Making Process. We will also be using the Decision Making Process and the SMART Method for goal setting and conflict resolution. The students will learn that SMART stands for specific, measurable, action, realistic and time. This method will help them make goals that are attainable and reachable.

Week 5

This week grades K-5 will be participating in the PACER test.  The PACER test is a cardiovascular endurance fitness test which measures how well students can run over long distances.  This will be our first fitness test of the year.  The students will have to run 20 meters consistently to a cadence until they miss 2 laps or until they feel they cannot participate anymore. 

For 6th grade we will be going over to the track to complete the mile run.  Students are encouraged to run the entire mile but will be allowed to walk it if they have to.  

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Week 4

This week the students in grades 3-6 will be playing ultimate frisbee.  This will be a continuation of our ultimate games unit.  Next week we will start the first fitness test of the year (PACER Test). 

For grades K-2 we will be playing a directional game called ships and sailors as well as a tag game called Here Comes the Spartans!  If time permits we will also be incorporating locomotor movements based on different animals such as Horses, Rabbits, Giraffes, ect.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Health Cycle 1

Grades 3-5

This year, Mr. Hinkel and myself will be teaching health to third and fifth grade. We will be going over a variety of topics that align to the Pennsylvania State Academic Standards for Health. The first topic we will be teaching is Decision Making and Conflict Resolution. We thought these two skills were important to start with.

The first lesson of Decision Making will consist of defining what a decision is, and identifying the steps in the Decision Making Process. The students will get to put the decision making process into practice during the lesson in a variety of activities. We will build on these skills as the year goes on.

If you have any questions about Health please feel free to contact me
Phone: (570)874-3661 ext. 3028

Thank you,
Miss Ellen Brylewski

Week 3

K-2:  The students will be playing Zoo Keepers and Busy Bee's in class.  These games help reinforce listening skills as well as a review of our locomotor movements such as jumping, skipping, jogging, running, ect. 

3-6:  The older students will be working on the different cuts involved with getting open in game play.  We will be working on the V, L, and back door cuts used in the game of ultimate football.  The students will also play small sided games of ultimate football to continue our ultimate unit of games.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Week 2


This week for grades kindergarten through second grade, the students will be working on locomotor movements. We will start the class by reviewing and teaching all of the locomotor movements we use throughout the year. Some locomotor movements include, running, walking, galloping, skipping and hopping. We then will use the locomotor movements in a game called "Through the Forest". The students will be using the locomotor movements to get through the forest that we built in our gym.

This week we will be starting with Ultimate Handball. This games involves throwing and catching skills, as well as offensive and defensive strategies. We will start the class by reviewing some defensive and offensive strategies that they can use during game play, such as man to man defense, and the give and go. We will be playing different ultimate games for the first couple weeks to keep reviewing these certain skills.

Please remember to wear sneakers and be prepared to have fun!